Friday, April 19, 2024

Medical Tribunal #2

2023 CanLII 16834 (ON HPARB) | Aurich v Haleem | CanLII

In coming to understand all of why it was this happened, the next tribunal process I entered will be explained. To start, I made a complaint that was initially viewed as "vexatious", to which I appealled and won.

Months later, a second conclusion was completed, which stated in part, that I was medically mismanaged and did in fact have polycythemia (this conclusion has been included with another post.) Moving along, the basic idea is simple; doctors KNEW I had this potential fatal blood condition and did not tell me. I was told it could be shingles, and people in Nobleton know this to be the case. It clearly wasn't.

So as it was, for 8 months I just sort of suffered, took the prescribed prednisone, until my mind was so badly affected it left reality. I can now think back to this process, but at the time I was rather desperate and in a lot of physical pain from an entire body rash the polycythemia brought on. Here is the final assessment of the re-review of the tribunal...

And, importantly, at the end I had begun to think some VERY odd things, and importantly, was telling everyone about it; "pizza-gate" theories and the like:

People may not have know just what exactly had happened, but they knew I had mentally come apart.

What is also rather interesting is that upon, being questioned by authorities, the people closest to the situation did not mention any of this; my odd behavior, crazy theories, extremely poor medical condition, or the medications I was on. 

When authorities visited me some months later to tell me they were no longer interested, they also explained that they had now come to realize I was in some sort of bipolar event when originally detained, basically rambling on for 3 hours about my bizarre ideas... it is clear to me now, that I very well must have seemed very guilty of something... but I was delusional... psychotic... saying things that likely did not make sense... but also, they did not seem to understand why they were not made aware of the medical details at the time. 

Same can be said of me. I have no idea. You would think mentioning that someone was going on and on about bizarre sex cult theories while covered in a complete body rash, AND, on 50 mgs of Prednisone might have been important!

I think this could have turned out rather differently, perhaps I would have not been charged, I don't know, but I do know that the forensics did get to the truth of what others actually knew.