Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Better Days Ahead

I suppose it is a good idea to close the book on what happened, and I have tried very hard to do so. I don't hold much animosity towards those who rather tricked me on to a prescription I never needed, or didn't help me as I went through a prednisone psychosis that lead to such calamity... however I needed to tell of what happened. Prove the story as best I could. Many didn't even want me to dare try. But eventually even the press came to realize the true nature of events... https://www.newmarkettoday.ca

And I suppose what happened is all rather hard to believe, but it's all true, although I am still rather confused as to just why what was done to me was; still rather embarrassed by all that happened, but the facts are that I was nearly dead of polycythemia, struggling with a massive rash all over me, truly demented out of my mind by the end, and yeah... not sure what else to say. Some people helped, others didn't, and I can understand that, but not those who seemed to go out of their way to spread rumours and such. But they did, and it's all rather just a sad case really... but the actual authorities concluded my crazy account of events as accurate, so I will leave those who acted against me to ponder what actually occurred. The truth is, many people in Nobleton knew what had happened... perhaps they were unsure of the details, but they knew and told the court as much. I really wish some I know of would have kept their rumour and speculation to themselves, as it only served to hurt others close to all of this. 

The reality is, I never saw anything illegal. But it was very alarming and weird, and yet my memories of it are embedded in being totally manic, so in reality, what I thought was happening was not. It's all very difficult to explain. What I thought I discovered did not exist as the psychosis had me thinking, and even today, concerning what happened, it's hard to deal with memories that do not match-up with reality. I still cannot accept that what happened actually happened, simply due to a basic situation of medical mismanagement. I never will in all honesty. I had been lied to about ALL of it, the need for testosterone to the false shingles idea... and in my opinion, given the disastrous fall-out, it is all unforgivable. Perhaps God can forgive those involved, I have nothing to do with it. 

Likely best to put the details in the past... there is so much to this, but I will now leave it alone; post the official records of events and let people, hopefully, come to realize that the authorities are the best explanation of events. Not rumours, my account... or anyone else's for that matter.

In case people still are unclear, here is what the court determined. This is what happened, and in my opinion, and most professionals who looked into this matter, how and why it all happened is the most disturbing element of my case. 



Yet I suspect many, back in Nobleton and KCSS, think my explanation is made-up... but it isn't. With the last investigation, I was self-represented, and all was withdrawn... there was no lawyer on my side, able to "get me out of it", I just stated what happened.

The evidence was rather clear to as what had happened, as bizarre as it was; basically a case of medical mismanagement, leading me into some sort of psychotic misadventure to try to unravel why I had been abused as a kid. And all of that is very much similar, as I began to suspect as it were, while psychotic; rather in a sort of rage about it.

But many like the rumour more than the fact. Not much I can do about it, and as a result, I have no interest in teaching, no interesting in having to provide endless explanations, and truly, it's just a bad idea, likely leading to more rumour and such. No thanks. I will take my life and leave that scene. 

So for me, yes, better days ahead as I am now set to move on from this. In a big way too, and a very hopeful future actually...yet, I sadly leave behind a lot of what my life once was, enough to bring tears to my eyes rather often, but such is life. You can only control what you can, and for the longest time, that basic control over my own life had been hijacked by medical falsehoods that again, nearly killed me; turned into a psychotic disaster on massive doses of steroids I never needed. It boggles the mind as to how it could have even happened. But I know the basic details... 

And so I am just thankful, that I am myself once more.   

Maybe people will come to understand what happened one day, but until then, I wish whomever I knew all the best.